Tuesday, March 3, 2009

~ Just the sillys and its Pissing!~

That is all I have to say!

Since I have been here, I have had a Love/Hate relationship with their toilet... lets just say that their toilets do not flush from the actual toilet. The lever to flush the toilet is a metal chain that you pull.. well.. lets just say the first time I used their toilet it took me 10 minutes not to figure out how to flush their toilet, but to break the chain from pulling to hard because the toilet would not flush.(embarrassing I tell you) So once I walked  out truly embarrassed, I held up the chain and said " I think you toilet does not like me, I'm going to need some pliers". Thankfully Alan and Sally both laughed at me and Alan was sweet enough to put the chain back on the pump for me. 
Since then, the toilet and I have been on good terms and I haven't broken anything in the loo (bathroom) or anything in the house yet.. LOL.

Once we picked up my cousin Alex from the train station we came back to the flat to have some tea and catch up. We decided to go out for dinner at an Indian restaurant (delish) and the place was fantastic. After we chowed down on the feast, I attempted to scoot my bottom out from the table and my foot caught itself on the bottom of the table and I almost fell, let me just say.. that was a close call. Thank goodness I was able to keep my balance or I would have taken a giant bite of the floor.( it was too funny)

When we were leaving to the restaurant it was lightly raining and by the time we left the restaurant it was PISSING down with rain (pouring) rain! Sally and I huddled under the roof as we waited for Alan to bring the car around. We climbed in the car and took my cousin to his hotel to check in and off we went back to the flat. In the car Sally has a Russian hat in the back and I decided to make a ding dong of myself and put the hat on to take some silly pictures. We walked into the flat and of course I forgot something in the car, Alan was sweet enough to go back in the car to retrieve my camera. I took one look outside and it was pissing rain like I couldn't believe! Poor Alan walked in and the poor thing was dripping wet.

Ohhh! Alan has this really cool barometer in the lobby (hallway)  and it tells you if it will rain by the amount of water that is in the spout. Let me just say that when we got back from Boots,  the water in the spout had spilled over and we all just looked at each other and said " Its gonna piss down with rain later"

This afternoon I decided I wanted to walk to Boots in the rain (because I am crazy like that) and Alan, Alex and I took a walk over there. As I shopped and shopped (didn't buy much) the boys were following behind me giving me heck. They would ask me "are you done yet" and I gave them the eye as to say " don't you tell me to hurry up!"(LOL) The boys enjoyed following me around the store talking about manly stuff as I strolled the isles of makeup and such.

Today has been quite the eventful day and has been a blast! I'm even loving the rain (they don't so much) and it has come about that I am now " Gladis" and he is " Burt" (funny names we call each other when we do something silly or sassy) Lets just say that Burt has heard the best of my burps and its not over yet!

Its been a wonderful day and cant wait for tomorrows adventures!

Sending rainy hugs to you all!!!!


Anonymous said...

lol... You're so funny xoxox... Loved the loo story... and the rain......... makes me want to get out an umbrella just reading about it.


Anonymous said...

Oh man, the toilet story part of you rblog was my FAV...I can just imagine you holding on to the chain...hehehehe.... I'm laughing with you Coche, not at you.....

So glad you are having a good ol' time & that you got to see your cuz... Miss you
