Friday, February 27, 2009


Went to sleep late, and woke up early.. the story of my life!

This morning when I woke up I felt as if I had been hit by a truck.. No Joke! It was the Zombie in me that forgot to twist the door knob before opening it..and WHAM.. there I go running into the bedroom door.(yes go ahead and laugh) My thump was loud enough to wake little miss sleepy head and she looked at me as if to say " Thanks for waking me up!"

Once I made my way down the hallway I proceeded to wash my face and was delighted to hear my phone ring (which I thought was my alarm going off again) to hear Kim on the other line! She was the cutest thing ever "Did I wake you?" she asks, I thought oh if you only knew the wake up slam I received from the door this morning. We chit chatted for a couple of minutes and she was such a hoot to talk to...I will be calling you more often KIM! LOL

Once I took the oh so stylish lime green curlers out of my hair, I stood there for about 5 minutes deciding what I was going to wear. (Like we all don't do that ladies ;) ) I was going to wear a pair of jean like pants to work and thought to myself.. Umm. I think I be called out on dress code for this (Yes Yolanda.. your voice came in my head) and to think of all the dress code talk lately I thought.. I should stick to black pants.

Now that I am at work literally trying to keep myself awake, I find myself dozing off at my desk with my elbow keeping me afloat. (Yolanda.. you never read this) Trying to keep myself awake is more of a challenge than I thought but I think its good for me to be exhausted so that when boarding the plane I can snooze happily.

Auti Marie will be picking Baby B up today at 3 or so and she is wearing her sailor dress to look super cute for her! This morning when we were driving to work I had her in my arms, and for some reason she thought we were going to the vet because she was shaking with all her might. (she does that when she knows we are visiting the vet) I was singing to her and telling her that we were going bye bye and the more she shook, it made Geo and I laugh because she was shaking like thumper. I should have taken a video because it was just too darn cute!

Well yall.. I am going to try and get some work done (KEY word TRY) and if you all can say a little prayer for me at 8:40 tonight when my plane takes off I would be most grateful!

I'm sure I will post really quick before I board the plane but who knows what LAX International looks like on a Friday night :)

Trying to Stay awake



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Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Finishing Touches

Luggage sitting on the floor while Bella squeaks her bee toy at me I come to realise, tomorrow is the day!
After work I came home and went to the "Back Doctor" to get adjusted and that did me wonders because of all the stress. The instant relief of the neck and back pain is priceless! After I went there I was on a man hunt for a " Tortilla Maker", this is a metal circular object with a handle to squish the masa (corn or flower mix) to make fresh tortillas.

At the request of my cousin from Holland because he broke his and they don't sell them over where he is; my mom and I went on a hunt for one. Let me tell you.. it was super difficult! We went to two different Hispanic markets and either they were out of them or they didn't sell them. Finally the very last store we went to before we gave up on our mission had two left and I snatched that puppy up so fast! I also bought him some Horchata mix as a bonus :)

Once we arrived back at the house I was yawning from the de-stressing we had earlier and  off to finish packing I went. At this point Bella knew something was up because I was backing a bag for her and normally when that happens she know its bye bye time. As I put her bowls and food in her bag I turned around to find her sitting in my luggage staring at me as if to say " Ok mom.. where are we going?" It was the cutest thing I had to take a picture!

Now as I sit here and write this blog I look down to see my Baby B nursing on her doggie and smile because I know she is going to have a blast with Bubba and Aunti Marie and Uncle Chris!

Happy Packing!

~Packing Delights~

This past week has been one exhausting week... and I am so happy that I will have 10 Hours to sleep it off. (not really)
Gathering all of my final projects for class and making sure to cross my T's and dot my I's has been the most challenging because when I complete assignments, I take my sweet time (the perfectionist in me)
Tuesday night I finally pulled out the suitcases and laid them out to organize my clothes and go over the list to make sure I don’t forget anything. That is when it HIT ME.. It’s really happening, I am really going to be traveling to the UK to meet such a wonderful person.. and I’m doing this for the first time as an adult. (last time I traveled I was 16 and was with family) I sat down for a bit in front of my luggage and thought to myself.. I can’t believe I am going to the UK, once I pinched myself to make sure this was all real I thought YEP.. its real. LOL

Bella has not even noticed that mommy is going anywhere.. she thinks the luggage is a toy. She will jump in and sniff the clothes, as a matter of fact..this morning after I made her breakfast she walked in to the room and used the side of the luggage as a napkin. I laughed so hard and said " Bella.. this is not your napkin!.. or are you just leaving you scent for mommy and the Boyzz to sniff.. LOL"
I’m sure many of you know this about me.. but I have a fear of flight..anything in the air.. eeeekkk! Not to mention the slight claustrophobia I have.. that should be interesting! Thankfully my family has been super supportive and have given me soo many tips and visuals to use while I am in the air. Just thinking about being on a plane for more than 5 hrs makes me cringe a bit, but I know that if I want to travel the world.. I need to get over my fear, and what better way!

During my stay in Portsmouth with Sally.. my cousin that lives in Amsterdam will be visiting us and I have not seen him since I was a little girl and we have found each other on Facebook (go figure) He read a post of mine that said I was heading his way.. and loh and behold.. he has oodles of vacation to use and it has been a very long time since he has seen family. I am absolutely thrilled to see him and we have loads to catch up on!

Now I just sit at work.. waiting for the day to be over because I still have a million and one things to get done before tomorrow! I am soo excited to share my adventures with you all and feel free to leave comments! I will be writing every day to keep the updates commin and lots of pics!
Sendin LOVE to all the DOGSTER MOMS!!!!!!
