Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Finishing Touches

Luggage sitting on the floor while Bella squeaks her bee toy at me I come to realise, tomorrow is the day!
After work I came home and went to the "Back Doctor" to get adjusted and that did me wonders because of all the stress. The instant relief of the neck and back pain is priceless! After I went there I was on a man hunt for a " Tortilla Maker", this is a metal circular object with a handle to squish the masa (corn or flower mix) to make fresh tortillas.

At the request of my cousin from Holland because he broke his and they don't sell them over where he is; my mom and I went on a hunt for one. Let me tell you.. it was super difficult! We went to two different Hispanic markets and either they were out of them or they didn't sell them. Finally the very last store we went to before we gave up on our mission had two left and I snatched that puppy up so fast! I also bought him some Horchata mix as a bonus :)

Once we arrived back at the house I was yawning from the de-stressing we had earlier and  off to finish packing I went. At this point Bella knew something was up because I was backing a bag for her and normally when that happens she know its bye bye time. As I put her bowls and food in her bag I turned around to find her sitting in my luggage staring at me as if to say " Ok mom.. where are we going?" It was the cutest thing I had to take a picture!

Now as I sit here and write this blog I look down to see my Baby B nursing on her doggie and smile because I know she is going to have a blast with Bubba and Aunti Marie and Uncle Chris!

Happy Packing!

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