Thursday, February 26, 2009

~Packing Delights~

This past week has been one exhausting week... and I am so happy that I will have 10 Hours to sleep it off. (not really)
Gathering all of my final projects for class and making sure to cross my T's and dot my I's has been the most challenging because when I complete assignments, I take my sweet time (the perfectionist in me)
Tuesday night I finally pulled out the suitcases and laid them out to organize my clothes and go over the list to make sure I don’t forget anything. That is when it HIT ME.. It’s really happening, I am really going to be traveling to the UK to meet such a wonderful person.. and I’m doing this for the first time as an adult. (last time I traveled I was 16 and was with family) I sat down for a bit in front of my luggage and thought to myself.. I can’t believe I am going to the UK, once I pinched myself to make sure this was all real I thought YEP.. its real. LOL

Bella has not even noticed that mommy is going anywhere.. she thinks the luggage is a toy. She will jump in and sniff the clothes, as a matter of fact..this morning after I made her breakfast she walked in to the room and used the side of the luggage as a napkin. I laughed so hard and said " Bella.. this is not your napkin!.. or are you just leaving you scent for mommy and the Boyzz to sniff.. LOL"
I’m sure many of you know this about me.. but I have a fear of flight..anything in the air.. eeeekkk! Not to mention the slight claustrophobia I have.. that should be interesting! Thankfully my family has been super supportive and have given me soo many tips and visuals to use while I am in the air. Just thinking about being on a plane for more than 5 hrs makes me cringe a bit, but I know that if I want to travel the world.. I need to get over my fear, and what better way!

During my stay in Portsmouth with Sally.. my cousin that lives in Amsterdam will be visiting us and I have not seen him since I was a little girl and we have found each other on Facebook (go figure) He read a post of mine that said I was heading his way.. and loh and behold.. he has oodles of vacation to use and it has been a very long time since he has seen family. I am absolutely thrilled to see him and we have loads to catch up on!

Now I just sit at work.. waiting for the day to be over because I still have a million and one things to get done before tomorrow! I am soo excited to share my adventures with you all and feel free to leave comments! I will be writing every day to keep the updates commin and lots of pics!
Sendin LOVE to all the DOGSTER MOMS!!!!!!


1 comment:

doglover said...

OMG Annette! I can't believe you're leaving TOMORROW! Woo Hoo~ You'll do great on the plane :) write down all the tips your family gave you and keep them nearby!

Give Sally and da Boyzzz big HUGZ from me & the Girls~ I'm sooooo excited for you :)) I think the blog is a terrific idea and I'll be checking in on you! Be safe & have a blast....
XO, Renee