Friday, February 27, 2009


Went to sleep late, and woke up early.. the story of my life!

This morning when I woke up I felt as if I had been hit by a truck.. No Joke! It was the Zombie in me that forgot to twist the door knob before opening it..and WHAM.. there I go running into the bedroom door.(yes go ahead and laugh) My thump was loud enough to wake little miss sleepy head and she looked at me as if to say " Thanks for waking me up!"

Once I made my way down the hallway I proceeded to wash my face and was delighted to hear my phone ring (which I thought was my alarm going off again) to hear Kim on the other line! She was the cutest thing ever "Did I wake you?" she asks, I thought oh if you only knew the wake up slam I received from the door this morning. We chit chatted for a couple of minutes and she was such a hoot to talk to...I will be calling you more often KIM! LOL

Once I took the oh so stylish lime green curlers out of my hair, I stood there for about 5 minutes deciding what I was going to wear. (Like we all don't do that ladies ;) ) I was going to wear a pair of jean like pants to work and thought to myself.. Umm. I think I be called out on dress code for this (Yes Yolanda.. your voice came in my head) and to think of all the dress code talk lately I thought.. I should stick to black pants.

Now that I am at work literally trying to keep myself awake, I find myself dozing off at my desk with my elbow keeping me afloat. (Yolanda.. you never read this) Trying to keep myself awake is more of a challenge than I thought but I think its good for me to be exhausted so that when boarding the plane I can snooze happily.

Auti Marie will be picking Baby B up today at 3 or so and she is wearing her sailor dress to look super cute for her! This morning when we were driving to work I had her in my arms, and for some reason she thought we were going to the vet because she was shaking with all her might. (she does that when she knows we are visiting the vet) I was singing to her and telling her that we were going bye bye and the more she shook, it made Geo and I laugh because she was shaking like thumper. I should have taken a video because it was just too darn cute!

Well yall.. I am going to try and get some work done (KEY word TRY) and if you all can say a little prayer for me at 8:40 tonight when my plane takes off I would be most grateful!

I'm sure I will post really quick before I board the plane but who knows what LAX International looks like on a Friday night :)

Trying to Stay awake



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Unknown said...

LOL! I do have a tendency to call my friends super seems like the only free time I have. But, I'm relieved to hear you were awake. Yikes...not a pleasant wake up - BLAP into the door. Ah, if you only knew how clumsy I was in the mornings...And pretty much always. hahah
I will definitely say prayers for a safe journey. You will be fine. You will be fine. You will be fine. ;)
Call anytime - It does help to talk when fear seems to overwhelm.
Love you!

STOP DAD said...

STOP DAD I'm Tired